How to start Squarespace websites

How to start Squarespace websites

How to start Squarespace websites for your business or personal website you can use #Squarespace.

This video is a comprehensive guide to help you learn how to do something. It includes a step-by-step tutorial and helpful tips throughout to ensure you can complete the task. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this video will provide you with the information and resources you need to become an expert.

Yo hello guys and welcome back again to a brand new video in today’s tutorial I will show you how to start your first Squarespace website so first of all I want you guys to go ahead and open Squarespace website so we go to Squarespace and here I will go to this

One and I will click on it let me just change the language real quick okay it is on English so let me just translate it to French and then make it in English again uh let me just go all the way down and make it make it in English

So now it is working good for me so now basically what I’m going to do is get started click on it and what your site’s about during education etc etc so I’m going to go for example gaming and I click on next what are your top goals uh showcase

Like that sell product and community so collection experience where are you where are you in process you’re actually growing existing business replace my site within one two in a project hobby into a business for example so after that I click on finish and right after that what you’re gonna do is choose a

Starting point which is in template so let’s say for example we’re gonna choose something like this this one or this one so I’m gonna go with this one so let’s choose this one and now I will just have to continue with image so I will sign in using my

Emails just like that this is a really simple process guys so now it is sitting things up now let’s wait a little bit I have received an email so here we go now basically we should give a title so make a tutorial for example continue next next and then get started now as

You can see this is the website here you can do whatever you’d like so you can add a website logo here is the design commas and Etc so include site logo so for example you can just go here to watch the intro video just watch this uh to watch the like the

Tutorial about this website you can go for example Pro settings here you can say check his site availability make it public if you want so upgrade to public so if you want to publish it in order to publish it you will need to upgrade it

So in order to upgrade it you will have to pay one of these prices so we have to pay personal or business basic or Advanced so you have to check whatever features you want for your websites and then you have to check these ones else

If you want to keep it private you can just keep it like that private and start educated from here extensions permissions domain Etc and so go on so yeah guys that’s how you can create your first Squarespace website thanks a lot for watching and see you in the next tutorial

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