How to setup Electrum wallet

How to setup Electrum wallet

How to setup Electrum wallet, since Bitcoin is one of the fastest growing assets in the world the #electrumwallet is a great way to store and send coins.

This video is a comprehensive guide to help you learn how to do something. It includes a step-by-step tutorial and helpful tips throughout to ensure you can complete the task. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this video will provide you with the information and resources you need to become an expert.

Hello hello guys and welcome back again to a brand new video in today’s tutorial I will be showing you how to create your electron wallet so first of all I will need you to go ahead and open your browser and from there I will have to go

To the URL section and search for Electro wallet just like so and here you’ll find so here it is and now in order for you to actually get it all you need to do is click on here to download electron and here you can choose whether

You like it to be in Python Linux Windows and Mac OS or Android so you can download from Windows through here Windows installer and just like so here it is has been created so now all I need to do is go to here click over here and click after that on

Yes click on install and wait for it until it fully loads and yeah guys if you want to check their notes or anything you can check it through here over this page as you can see the latest note plus three weeks ago so they have

Been working on this app so much and now after it finished we click on close so let me just close this real quick and after that let me check if it has been uh actually added so here it is electron now all I need to do guys is click here

To like also connect all server like select server manually so auto connect for example next a default wallet next send it wallet or whatever type of what you want so let’s click net create and you see it and he will find that so let’s copy this next and use it apart a

Few let’s use it to mix that but please resup it here so I will need to actually retype it so I’m going to do is let’s have a new document let me just open it and then name is but I said oh my God let me just go back all right let me

Just reopen this because I didn’t actually copy the C so next next next and here it is and here I must pass it over here then next and then here what I’m going to do is actually write it it’s going to be pretty simple so uh crater shown Garden team middle vocal Warfare

And rough rule route faculty and blade just like so I’m done so click on next here you must put your password so like that and here they repeat your password and that’s it guys so here it is your wallet as you can see here here you can

Send you can receive in there are the channels and here you can see this is the history so yeah guys that’s pretty much Edge that’s how you can actually create your extreme wallet so thanks guys for watching and see in the next tutorial

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