How to setup Myetherwallet

How to setup Myetherwallet

How to setup MyetherWallet the Ethereum based wallet #myetherwallet is one of the oldest and well known cryptocurrency wallets

This video is a comprehensive guide to help you learn how to do something. It includes a step-by-step tutorial and helpful tips throughout to ensure you can complete the task. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this video will provide you with the information and resources you need to become an expert.

Hello guys and welcome back again to a brand new video in today’s tutorial guys I will show you how to set up my ethereum wallet in your profile or your PC so first of all guys I will need you to go to your browser and then open your browser profile then

Go ahead to the URL section and search for my ether wallet after that you can open this and you will find that you can get it in here through this option so here you can create a new wallet you can get it in here as a

As an extension so let me just click here to create a new wallet and here all you need to do is I thought as a process extension so let’s click here to install it as a browser next station and let me just go for example over here to Google Chrome Google extensions

And all I need to do is click here and then I’m going to actually copy this so encrypt browser so here encrypts here it is and all I need to do now is click here and then I should create my wallet so here you go ADD extension

And here is it so now I will find this over here so let’s wait a little bit and here we go and voila okay so as you can see this is the wallet I’m going to pin it and now all I need to do is actually wait for it to load so let’s

Load and then download it so we need to download it first and here uh to Chrome ADD extension and here it is and now we do the same same thing which is creating a new wallet here puts the password so next here the password again next and here this is the secrets

Recovery phrase so copy all of these next and then all right so this is actually much complicated Okay so which is the world 11 so it’s gonna be um I think Captain so Captain here it goes select Sports 4 which is gonna be uh I think scorpion not scorpions shrug

Raven and choice okay so it is Choice here it is and then the eighth word is gonna be so if Choice was the fourth then I think in Korea is here um I think from is here and I think it’s Fred or uniform okay uniform so this is

Choice four five six seven and eight is friend and the fifth word which is to Choice inquiry so here it is next and just like so we have created our wallet so as you can see pen here the extension and here it is your wallet as you can

See just you need to put your password so here it goes unlock the wallets and this is your wallet guys so this is all the kind of coins and and the network that you have you have a color network uh ethereum and Bitcoin and much others his assets activity and if these and

Apps and yeah here you can deposit and buy and send and swap so guys that was it for today’s video If you enjoyed please leave a like and thank you for watching

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