How to Upload Youtube Videos longer than 15 Minutes in 2024

How to Upload Youtube Videos longer than 15 Minutes in 2024

In this comprehensive tutorial for 2024, we delve into the steps and prerequisites for uploading YouTube videos exceeding 15 minutes. Whether you’re a content creator aiming to share in-depth tutorials, engaging vlogs, or extended gameplay, understanding YouTube’s guidelines and verification process is key. We’ll guide you through account verification, file format recommendations, and tips for optimizing video quality while adhering to YouTube’s content policies. Elevate your YouTube channel by mastering the art of sharing longer content, engaging your audience with more detailed and immersive experiences. #youtube #youtubevideos #youtubechannel

Hello guys and welcome back into new brand video in today’s tutorial I’m going to show you how to upload videos longer than 15 minutes on YouTube so make sure you watch the video to the end and follow these simple steps so first you will need just to go to your YouTube

Channel to do so you will need just to go to YouTube and then you will need just to go to the studio Creator or the Creator uh panel on your YouTube channel so basically you need just to click on your profile picture and then just go to

YouTube studio so you can access the creator tools of your channel and as you can see here we can uh upload videos from content here Etc so if we go to content you will be able to upload videos but first to upload or to uh have access on some features like to custom

Your thumbnails to add or to upload videos longer than 50 minutes you will need just to verify your account so basically we will need just to go to our settings so we can be able to verify our accounts of course here you can uh choose uh your uh things Etc and

Basically here in up defaults you can find some settings as you can see here you can have your license category Etc and those are the settings of your uh Channel and basically if you go to channel in here we will find the feature eligibility and as you can see those are

The standard feature that you can upload on the video create playlist Etc and here we can find the videos over 15 minutes so basically you will need just to verify your uh phone number and then you will be able to uh start uploading videos uh longer than 15 minutes and

Also you can have more advanced feature like increase uh dat uploads in live stream so you will need just to verify some things like a video verification you can valid your ID by adding your a passport or uh ID card Etc and also you will need just to uh follow the

Community uh guidelines ET so basically this is how you can do it thank you for watching and see you next time

YouTube long video upload,Extend YouTube video limit 2024,YouTube account verification,In-depth YouTube tutorials,Engaging vlogs on YouTube,Extended gameplay videos,YouTube content policies,Elevate YouTube channel,Detailed video content,Immersive YouTube experiences,Engage YouTube audience,YouTube video optimization,Upload Youtube Videos longer than 15 Minutes,Upload Youtube Videos longer than 15 Minutes in 2024
