How to use AI for work

How to use AI for work

How to use AI for work, to write Emails or to do research or any other topic you should use AI to make your life in your #work easier.

This video is a comprehensive guide to help you learn how to do something. It includes a step-by-step tutorial and helpful tips throughout to ensure you can complete the task. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this video will provide you with the information and resources you need to become an expert.

Yo hello guys and welcome back again to our brand new tutorial in this video I will show you how to use shot GPT to help you in your work so best of all guys go to your PC and open any kind of browsers and then write open AI

Now after that go and click on try over here and then I have already connected to my account for you guys make sure that you create an account if you don’t have it already or just collect yours that you have already existed now let’s try first

To ask about how how is he doing so hi so like let’s start a conversation with it so as I’ve mentioned in one of the previous videos you shouldn’t go straight ahead with the AI and tell it to fix your problem you start with a simple thing then you go to a much

Complex thing so now hi how can I help you so I have a problem in my work can you solve it for me so it doesn’t matter what kind of problem that you are having in your work for example are a software engineering and you have a problem in something you

Are like work it doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be a work it can be a homework it can be whatever you have so basically for example let’s try let’s say that you have a homework like um let’s see something here math homework homeworks let’s try something from here

And let’s copy something so matte lesson worksheet and MacBook let’s see these puzzles so uh polygons and heart and we wait until we find some question so let’s do okay this is this is not possible for us to do let’s see something else integers mode for example Maybe heart um

Hopefully we find now okay review later or sick word anyway it doesn’t matter to be like some ex extra work or something like that it’s just a puzzle for example let’s ask it to fix us for example a problem which is uh can you write me an algorithm

To can you write me a logarithm that Q emulate multiple numbers so here it is and now after I asked it that it will start doing to me what I have asked it to do so let me just check this real quick again okay it’s not working so unfortunately we can’t use

That so we will just take to the simple question from me so sure here’s a basic algorithm in Python to accumulate multiple number so here it is and now he will tell you the solution of any problem that you are facing in your work your school anything else so yeah he

Will tell you everything as you can see and yeah that’s it guys if you enjoyed this video please leave a like and see in the next tutorial

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