How to create NFT collection on Opensea

How to create NFT collection on Opensea

How can you setup and create your NFT Collection on #opensea ?
This video is a comprehensive guide to help you learn how to do something. It includes a step-by-step tutorial and helpful tips throughout to ensure you can complete the task. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, this video will provide you with the information and resources you need to become an expert.

Yo hello guys and welcome back again to a brand new video in this tutorial I will show you how to create your NFC on openc so now openc is an NFC collection platform you can trade your NFC collection you can post your nfcs collection on it and you can make

Profits or lose it depends on you in the website so the fact that you are going to list or create a annuity in that website is really really good because it gives you so much opportunities to get some some buys to make some profits so first of

All what I need you to do guys before you even open openc you’ll have to get a wallet first so a world like metamask can help you a lot to sign in in that website so first of all we go ahead in Google Chrome or any browser and search

For metamask from here you click here click on download and go to install it as an extension so after that you create an account very easily and then it will be ready to go now what we are going to do is open c and here we are in the website now we

Are simply going to sign in by just clicking on this wallet and choosing metamask so I’ve already signed in so basically what I’m going to do is come to my profile picture in here and click on create as you can see here is it’s loading so

Now let’s create a new item it requires a image or video audio or 3D model file and it’s Max a pass capacity Max must not uh pass 100 megabytes here you put the name of your collection an external link if you want to add it a description about your collection The Collection

Name so it is or if you want to add it to under collection or origin collection here you can add properties to character names male or female add more and Etc here you can add levels or speed and Etc here you can add stats here levels as

You can see here you can unlock our content here if it is like uh sensitive content and here you are the supply and after that you choose which blockchain you want to be in it after that you click on create in your be creating your

First nfco on open Z so yeah guys that was it with today’s video If you enjoyed please leave a like and thank you for watching

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